The Modern-Day Revival of Sped-Up Songs: How Social Media is Affecting Our Music Consumption

The current social media trend of sped-up music has led to popular songs being altered to at least 1.3-1.5 times their normal speed, adorned with squeaky vocals pitched up to higher registers... Embedded within the context of a history of sped-up music, we can see the recent movement as more meaningful; perhaps a natural progression or welcome revival of sounds that rose in popularity at the start of the millennium.


Renaissance exhibits vivid artistry, vocal agility, bold experimentation, and continued evolution, presenting a body of work distinct from the rest of her ample discography. The project is doused in glitz and flamboyance, birthed from a rich history of queer excellence, inspired by countless unsung heroes of colour, and woven from the threads of a musical tapestry that spans genres from disco to house to New Orleans bounce.